• Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau (CCE Nassau) oversees and administers NY Fresh Rx. Along with our program partners, Harmony Healthcare Long Island and Hofstra University, we are implementing NY Fresh Rx with funding support from the USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

    CCE Nassau is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization whose mission is to enable people to improve their lives and communities through partnerships that put experience and research knowledge to work. Extension staff and trained volunteers deliver education programs, conduct applied research, and encourage community collaborations. Our educators connect people with the information they need on topics such as home horticulture; food and nutrition; positive activities for youth and families; finances; energy efficiency; economic and community development; and sustainable natural resources. Our ability to match university resources with community needs helps us play a vital role in the lives of individuals, families, businesses, and communities throughout Nassau County.

    For more information about CCE Nassau’s programs, please visit us at

  • Produce prescription programs use a ‘food is medicine’ framework to create positive health outcomes by improving food/nutrition security and treating/preventing diet-related chronic diseases. This is accomplished by increasing access to and consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • Program participants will receive a box of fresh produce every other week from late June-November. Free home delivery of the biweekly produce box is available to those enrolled in the program or participants can pick up their box at Harmony Healthcare's clinic in Hempstead. Participants will also receive support and education throughout the program, including cooking classes, recipes, chronic disease self-management workshops, nutrition education, and individual nutrition counseling. All services are free of charge to those enrolled in NY Fresh Rx.

  • A variety of fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables are included in each box. Because NY Fresh Rx sources produce from local Long Island farms, items included in the box are limited to the items that farmers are able to grow in NY. Produce will vary each week depending on what is grown and harvested each week. Examples of some of the items we can source locally include a variety of herbs like cilantro, basil, and parsley; leafy greens like lettuce, cabbage, kale, swill chard, and collards; corn; carrots; potatoes; a variety of peppers; tomatoes; beets; squash like acorn and butternut; zucchini; eggplant; apples; pears; peaches; melon; strawberries; blueberries; and more. Each box will be valued at approximately $35-$45 retail.

  • In order to participate, you must be a patient of Harmony Healthcare Long Island and meet the following eligibility criteria:

    1 - Low income and experiencing food insecurity.

    2 - Chronic disease diagnosis - diabetes, prediabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, obesity.

    3 - Willingness to complete all intake, screening, and evaluation paperwork.

    4 - Willingness to participate in at least four nutrition education or individual nutrition counseling sessions.

    5 - Desire to accept support that will help you make lifestyle changes to improve your health.

    6 - Ability to receive a box of produce delivered to your place of residence or to pick up your box at Harmony Healthcare in Hempstead.

  • Patients of Harmony Healthcare Long Island should contact their healthcare provider or community health advocate for a referral to the program.

  • The program is only able to accommodate an enrollment of 150-200 individuals each year. The first year (2024) will focus on the Hempstead area and the second year (2025) will focus on the Roosevelt community.

  • Absolutely! Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County offers a variety of nutrition education, cooking classes, and nutrition workshops throughout the year. Please visit CCE's website at to learn more.

  • If you are a healthcare professional affiliated with Harmony Healthcare Long Island, please contact one of the community health advocates at your site who can provide a referral to the program for your patient. Unfortunately, we are only enrolling patients of HHLI at this time. Please feel free to contact us at to be put on our notification list should funding to expand this program become available.

  • Absolutely! We offer both student internships and community volunteer opportunities. Please click here to learn more about how to apply.

  • Yes! We appreciate your support! Every little bit helps. Your donation will allow us to expand our programming and reach even more people in need. Learn more on our GET INVOLVED page.